Welcome the CPSEM Website

The Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine, or CPSEM, is a Clinical interest group of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists.

We represent all chartered physiotherapists working in sport and exercise therapy in Ireland and aim to maintain the high standards of care provided by physiotherapists/physical therapists to all clients involved in sport.

The public aspect of this site includes a number of features to inform you about the role of physiotherapy in sport and our new accreditation programme for physiotherapists. It also includes:

  • A database of sports physiotherapists to help you find a physio should you need one
  • A jobs engine should you wish to advertise a position with your team for the coming season
    information regarding various sporting injuries

We are endeavoring to make the site as interactive and useful to all interested individuals as possible so please feel free to email [email protected] with any features you would like to see added to the site

Sports Physiotherapist Accreditation

The ISCP CPSEM Accreditation process is part of an international project to provide a structured career pathway to physiotherapists working in sport.